Ribston House

Manager: Sian Howard
Deputy Manager: Andy Smith
Address:   210A Stroud Road, Gloucester GL1 5LA

T: 01452 310916
E: sianhoward@nbglos.co.uk

Type(s) of care: Individual home – for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well as wheelchair users and older individuals with dementia.

How to find us:
Ribston House is situated in a individual suburb of Gloucester, on the popular Stroud Road.

About Ribston House

Ribston House is a warm and inviting home which is fully equipped with an impressive range of facilities.

Our accommodation includes a total of eight bedrooms.

On the ground floor we offer four bedrooms with en-suite facilities including either showers/wet rooms or hi-lo bath and full hoisting tracking systems in each of the rooms.

There are a further four bedrooms on the first floor with a combination of bath, showers/wet rooms. There are facilities to install tracking in these rooms if required.

Our superb range of facilities include a sensory room and an activity room. There is a comfortable separate lounge and dining area on each floor with lifts to the first floor.

The house is surrounded by a fully enclosed back and side garden.

At Ribston House, we aim to provide quality, facilitative support and care within a community setting, primarily for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well as wheelchair users and older individuals with dementia.

We are also able to cater for individuals with moderate behavioural problems, and we offer both long and short-term placements for both male and female individuals over the age of 18.

The support we provide is designed to be adaptable, based on the changing needs of our individuals and we provide the same quality of care, whether our individuals are with us for just a few weeks or a lifetime.

Our Home Manager is supported by an experienced team who are backed by a highly experienced Senior Management Team.

All members of our team are provided with continuous and on-going training to meet the specialist needs of our individuals. Further training can be tailored to fully meet the individual needs of new individuals.


Activities and events

Ribston House offer an in house Activity Room, multi sensory room and large dining area which is also used for activities.

Ribston House also offer two large living rooms and have a number of internal and external activities such as days out.


Check out our latest CQC inspection report

We are proud to have been rated as ‘Good’ by the Care and Quality Commission’s inspectors during their most recent visit to Ribston House on 21 September 2018.

You can read their full report here.

Get in touch with us

Referrers and families are invited to contact home manager to enquire about placements and current vacancies.